Instructional Videos

Working on your fitness? Check out these videos, courtesy of Sean Haber of Seanfit4life, a strength & conditioning coach and Tzevet Mikey instructor!

Pullup Progressions

The pullup will help you improve your overall upper body strength to carry weight well (as it sits on the upper back) as well as help you with any pulling motion that you may need such as crawling, pulling fellow soldiers, holding your weapon for long periods of time and other tactical needs.

Basic Pullup Progressions
Advanced Pullup Progressions

Pushup Progressions

The pushup engages your entire core and helps build the stability needed to stay braced as you lift heavy objects. Also super useful in any pushing movement such as pushing someone away, shooting, krav maga and more.

Basic Pushup Progressions
Advanced Pushup Progressions

Squat Progressions

The bridge and the squat are the ultimate body weight, lower body building exercises. Both train the lower body in the ideal manner, mimicking the function of training.

Every walk/run/jog/rucking you do in the army will be initiated by your legs. Specifically weighted walks (rucking) bears a large load on the legs. Training your lower body in the full range of motion will provide huge benefits.

Basic Squat Progressions
Advanced Squat Progressions

Bridge Progressions

Basic Bridge Progressions
Advanced Bridge Progressions

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