Resume Building

The first step towards starting your job search is updating your resume. Listed here are available resources to help you build/update your CV for the appropriate market you are looking to join.

Keep Olim

KeepOlim’s Free Resume Review Services – provides free resume reviews including rewriting, formatting and updating English resumes for the Israeli market.

For a free CV/résumé review, please send it to

Wings – כנפיים

This organization provides a lot of support for released Lone Soldiers. It is highly suggested that you give them a call to hear about their updated resources available, including CV building, matching you with a mentor, and more.


Phone Number: 1-800-303040

Jerusalem’s Young Adult Center

Youth center in Jerusalem that offers a number of resources to released soldiers such as resume building assistance (in Hebrew), financial guidance, help you search for work and much more – all for free!

Nefesh B’Nefesh

Nefesh B’nefesh provide occasional workshops on CV building. Additionally, you can find a nice guide with critical tips for a succesful CV on their website.

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