Lone Soldiers Resources

There are countless resources and organizations available to drafting, serving, and released Lone Soldiers. Listed here are a number of those organizations. Please note that while these specific organizations are listed here, there are many more which are not listed.

Lone Soldier Organizations

The Lone Soldier Center

Offices in Jerusalem & TLV. The LSC provides soldier advising, housing accommodations, and a social scene for Lone Soldiers.

The Base

Office in Jerusalem. The base provides support to Lone Soldiers, Lone Bnot Sheirut & עולים חדשים.

Nefesh B’Nefesh

Offices in Jerusalem & TLV. The Lone Soldier Program of NBN provides a wide variety of information on their website in addition to advisors and support.

Habayit Shel Benji

Located in Raanana. They offer high quality living accommodations for combat soldiers & guidance support.

Chayal El Chayal

A religious organization, located in Jerusalem. Offers support throughout your service, especially Shabbat and holiday meals and services.

Ach Gadol – אח גדול

Unique organization which offers to connect drafting Lone Soldiers with a released Lone Soldier who will help guide and support you throughout your service.

Garin Tzabar

Garin Tzabar provides a 360 degree support system for drafting Lone Soldiers including moving to a Kibbutz with other draftees &helping you navigate Israeli bureaucracy.

Mental Health & Health Care


Amudim provides for Lone Soldiers & Olim Chadashim critical support and guidance in their time of need, provided by a caring and professional case management team. Amudim Israel’s case management services maintain confidentiality, cultural sensitivity, and are free of charge.

The Shira Pransky Project

The Shira Pransky Project brings successful healthcare navigation to English-speaking Israeli immigrants. They help Olim navigate the bureaucracy of the Israeli Healthcare system making sure that you have access to your rights and the best possible care.

Moving – הובלה

Nefesh B’Nefesh

Nefesh B’Nefesh offers moving assistance to Lone Soldiers who are currently serving in the IDF.

They offer to help you find quality movers as well as to pay the first 1000  of the bill. If the movers cost less than 1000  – everything is free! If for example the moving fee is 1300 , you will need to pay 300 .

Sign up by filling out the form here, or by reaching out to Daniel Azoulay: 050-731-8487.

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